Monday, August 07, 2006

Another Excuse To Raise Gas Prices

The oil companies were just handed another reason to raise the price of gas for everyone. It seems the oil compamy BP has shut down America's largest oilfield, because they have discovered a leak in the Alaska pipeline. This removes about 8% of the current U.S. production from the market. The company said they did not know how long the Prudhoe Bay oilfield would be shut down. In fact, they aren't even sure how long it will take to shut it down.

BP is already under investigation for a spill at Prudhoe Bay last March. The company suspects corrosion caused the leak, but said they needed to do more tests to be sure. Shutting this oilfield has already caused the price of a barrel of oil to jump by $1.53 to $74.57 a barrel. You can be sure that the costs [and more] will be coming out of our pocketbooks when we purchase gas.

These oil companies are already making over a $1000 a second in pure profit [after all expenses have been paid]. They are the kings of price-gouging, and there is absolutely no reason to believe they won't use this oilfield closing as a reason to reach even further into our pockets.

This is just getting too ridiculous. Our country needs an energy policy that will control big oil, not give it free rein as Georgie does.

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