Sunday, August 06, 2006

Vote Recount Rejected In Mexican Election

The Federal Electoral Tribunal in Mexico has decided there will not be a full recount of votes in the presidential election. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, and his PRD party, had asked for a recount of votes in all 130,000 polling locations. With more than 41 million votes cast, Obrador finished only 244,000 votes behind Felipe Calderon, of the ruling PAN party.

Instead of a full recount, the Tribunal has ordered 11,839 polling locations to be recounted. This is about 9% of the total vote. This partial recount will begin Wednesday, and will take about 5 days. Obrador said, "One only has to ask oneself what criteria did the tribunal use in its decision to reopen only 11,839 polling places with mathematical errors when there are 72,000 with the same characteristics."

Obrador had challenged the voting totals in about 40% of polling locations, and considers the decision to recount only 9% of the vote to be insufficient. With this decision, the flawed election of Calderon is likely to stand. Obrador, who is staying with supporters in Zocalo, Mexico City's main square, said, "We are going to continue with our movement of peaceful civil resistance. We are not going to stop - among other reasons, because we have to make democracy work."

I am disappointed by the Tribunal's decision. In an election with 41 million votes, there should be a recount when the winning margin is only 244,000. Hell, that many votes could have accidentally been miscounted in such a large election. With irregularities being claimed in 40% of polling locations, all locations should be recounted. This is the only way that Mexico's citizens can be sure the election was fair. The Tribunal is wrong. Obrador is right. A full recount of all votes is needed.


  1. We're all a bit disappointed... and not to be pedantic, but a Texan should know that Spanish and Portugese speakers use the apellado paternal (Lopez) not the apellado maternal (Obrador) when only one is used. Andres Manual uses both.

  2. This Texan didn't know, and certainly meant no disrespect. I apologize if I have offended. I believe he was by far the best candidate.


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