Friday, October 20, 2006

Radnofsky Gives Hutchison A Good Whuppin'

I hope you didn't let your small children watch PBS last night, because to me it looked like Barbara Ann Radnofsky took Georgie's lap dog [aka Kay Bailey Hutchison] to the woodshed and gave her the whuppin' of her life.

The senate candidate debate was last night and the outcome was not even close. This debate, sponsored by the League of Women Voters, even included the Libertarian candidate, Scott Jameson. Jameson looked like a deer caught in the headlights when the debate first started, but warmed up a few minutes later. Overall, I think Jameson did a pretty good job. He sounded more reasonable and mainstream than many Libertarian candidates I have seen in the past. Although I don't think he'll be a factor in the election, he might have done himself some good last night.

But the real show was between Barbara Ann Radnofsky and Kay Bailey Hutchison, and a big difference could be seen between the two women. Hutchison seemed a little unsure of herself, especially when it came to explaining why she supported Georgie's Iraq and economic policies. She even admitted that her vote to go to war in Iraq was a mistake. Still, she wants to "stay the course" and get more soldiers killed while accomplishing nothing. She even tried to say she supports raising the minimum wage, but then added that it must be accompanied by more tax breaks for the rich. She tried to claim she was helping veterans, but got shot down on this too when her opponent revealed Hutchison's voting record on veteran's matters.

The real winner last night was Democratic candidate, Barbara Ann Radnofsky. She came off as confident, prepared and competent. She made an excellent case for a phased withdrawal from Iraq, put forward a rational and workable immigration plan, opposed Republican efforts to destroy social security, blasted pork barrel spending, and demanded that Texas get its fair share of government funds. As Radnofsky said when summing up, "What this country needs from Texas is leadership that's new and fresh, that stands about 5-foot-9 and looks good in purple [Radnofsky wore purple last night]."

Honestly, I don't see how anyone who watched the debate last night could vote for the incumbent. She was outclassed by Radnofsky in every way.


  1. I don't care who won the debate. I'm voting for Hutchison because Dimocrats attacked Kinky!

  2. I understand your anger. I'm pretty mad about it myself. But I'm still going to vote Radnofsky. It would be nice to have at least one decent senator.

    I don't think the Democrats realize how mad they've made the Kinky voters, and I believe it'll hurt them down-ballot.

  3. I thought BAR did really well, but she had this anger cloud above her head, perhaps rightfully so. I tried to give KBH a chance because I hadn't done my research on the Senate race. But she lived up to what I've heard about her, not much. I thought Jameson blew many chances due to stutters, but I liked his message and he made some great points about enforcing current laws, securing social security #'s, New Orleans, and The Sec. of State not encouraging voter turnout.

    I liked BAR and the Lib. From the polls I've seen, BAR nor the Lib stand a chance, but I'll vote for one of them anyway.

    I have lost my respect for the dems though for not having balls and then trying to have too much. Attacking good ideas and good people never works. I have to vote for someone, or I can't really justify an opinion.

    I also question where the Kinky downballot vote will go, if anywhere at all. Does anyone have an polls showing BAR standing a chance?

    The Kinky Campaign should call all the candidates running in the 91 races and ask who would work with and support a Friedman Administration upon victory on Nov. 8th. Then we could recommend to Kinky's voters to vote only for those candidates willing to fix Texas with Kinky.

    Prediction: Record Voter Turnout

  4. I don't care what you guys say, we're all voting for Hutchison because the Dimocrats campaigned against Kinky!

    All Kinky fans should stand up against the Dimocrats!

  5. Kinky's fan:

    I read your blog. You weren't ever going to vote for Radnofsky (or any other Democrats on the ballot for that matter) so pretending that your vote against her has anything to do with Kinky is silly.

    Plus, I have see where you tried to float your message on and there was more hate spread about Kinky (including some really offensive comments about his ethnicity and sexuality) than you would ever hear from any Democrats.

    In my experience, Democrats have objections to Kinky which are policy based or which are based on Kinky's comments which they disagree with and do not find as amusing as Kinky's supporters find them. You guys on are completely out of bounds on attacking Kinky ethnicity and sexuality.


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