Thursday, November 02, 2006

David Van Os Says 'Fire That Lawyer'

Our corporate-owned current Attorney General, Greg Abbott, has gotten in trouble lately for using state employees and state property in his political campaign. Now he's trying to make excuses.

But his opponent and soon-to-be the new Attorney General, David Van Os, is having none of it. Van Os has issued the following statement about Abbott's ethical and criminal lapse.

" Austin American Statesman in a front page article by Laylan Copelin quotes Abbott’s bogus defense to using state property for his campaign commercials: He made an open records request to himself and granted his request.

“Greg Abbott’s four years as attorney general stand out as one long Halloween Day parade of masquerading as the state’s lawyer while using state office to promote himself. As one of his former employees told the Statesman, ‘There is nothing more important to the Abbott administration than his name identification,’ Burns said. ‘It's all about him.’

“The law is clear: he can’t use state equipment or state employees for his political campaigns.

“And now as he offers his flimsy excuses, is he speaking as the state’s lawyer or his own lawyer?

“Greg Abbott’s time as attorney general has imposed a rampant conflict of interest on the people of Texas. When your lawyer has a conflict of interest it’s time to fire that lawyer. Good people of Texas, the time has come to fire this unethical travesty of a lawyer and hire a new one. Greg Abbott has to go!”

David Van Os, (210) 332-7070
Van Os office: (210) 225-1955

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