Thursday, November 02, 2006

Humanitarian Cost Of Bush's War In Iraq

With the election coming up, I thought this might be a good time to stop and examine what the Iraq War is costing in humanitarian terms. Georgie's war was totally unneccessary and is accomplishing absolutely nothing, but that does not prevent it from being very costly in terms of human lives. We can just look at the 105 U.S. casualties just in the last month to know that things are not getting better. They are getting worse.

Georgie still refuses to set a timetable for withdrawal, refuses to fire Rumsfield, and refuses to send an adequate number of troops to accomplish any goal. I don't think he has a clue of how to extricate the U.S. from the mess he has put us in. But while Georgie tries to figure it out, our country, and others, are paying a heavy price.

Thru November 1st, there have been 3,058 coalition soldiers killed in Iraq. Of this total, 2,819 were American soldiers. There have been 367 civilian contractors killed while working in Iraq. These are not just numbers, these are lives that have been snuffed out. There have also been 44,779 U.S. soldiers with non-fatal injuries.

But the coalition deaths pale in comparison to the Iraqi deaths. So far 5,698 Iraqi policemen have been killed, and at least 50,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed. This is a conservative estimate of the civilians killed. The U.N. believes the number is much higher.

Coalition Deaths By Country:

Australia - 2
Bulgaria - 13
Denmark - 6
El Salvador - 5
Estonia - 2
Hungary - 1
Italy - 33
Kazakhstan - 1
Latvia - 1
Netherlands - 2
Poland - 17
Romania - 2
Slovakia - 3
Spain - 11
Thailand - 2
Ukraine - 18
United Kingdom - 120
United States - 2819

TOTAL - 3,058

Breakdown Of Coalition Deaths By Province:

Anbar - 1026
Basrah - 80
Muthanna - 6
Qadisiyah - 22
Najaf - 29
Arbil - 1
Sulaymaniyah - 0
At-Ta'mim - 46
Babil - 147
Baghdad - 736
Dahuk - 0
Dhi Qar - 74
Diyala - 89
Karbala - 28
Maysan - 20
Ninawa - 193
Salah ad Din - 281
Wasit - 37

TOTAL - 2815 [443 could not be connected to a province]

How much longer are we going to put up with Georgie's foolish and deadly war? Isn't it time to stop supporting Georgie, and support our troops by bringing them home?


  1. How can this be an inti-war blog and a pro-Kinky blog?

    Didn't Kinky say something about Bush doing a heck of a job in the Middle East and something about the pro-peace Democrats who voted against Liebreman being anti-American?

  2. We can be both because the governor of Texas doesn't have the power to wage war on a foreign country.

  3. Wait a second.

    You say "the governor of Texas doesn't have the power to wage war on a foreign country," but what about Kinky's plan to declare martial law in the border cities? What about Kinky's plan to hire 5 Mexican generals to patrol our border?


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