Wednesday, November 01, 2006

It's Kinky's Birthday !

Kinky Friedman, independent candidate for governor of Texas, is celebrating an important event today. It's his birthday. The Kinkster turns 62 today. As he says himself, he's "too young for medicare and too old for women to care". Hopefully, he won't be offended by my stealing that line. After all, we're about the same age.

What would Kinky like for his birthday? How about 35% of the popular vote on November 7th? That would be a great present for Kinky and for Texas.

Recently, I've heard some people say they like Kinky, but might not vote for him because they don't think he can win. If you think that, then you need to stop listening to the fabrications of the other campaigns. These people are far more interested in getting your vote than in telling you the truth.

Why do you think the Bell campaign tried to smear Kinky - because he doesn't stand a chance? Of course not. They did it because they're terrified of losing votes to Kinky.

The Perry campaign is no better. They know that Kinky is also drawing a lot of Republican votes. They would love to convince the voters that it's now a two-person race, because they know they can beat Bell in a two-way showdown.

But they're both telling untruths. Kinky is not a racist, and this is not a two-way race. If Kinky's supporters keep the faith and ignore the lies, then Kinky can win!

We all know that our state is heading in the wrong direction and needs a good shaking up. Kinky is the person to do that. If you believe, have courage, and vote your convictions, the Kinkster could be our next governor. I'll certainly be voting for Kinky Friedman.


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