Friday, November 03, 2006

Van Os Says Abbott Trys To 'Glorify Himself'

As this campaign enters its last few days, Greg Abbott is starting to spend a ton of money on television ads. I haven't seen any polls on the race, but Abbott is spending like it's going to be a close one. I think that may be true.

David Van Os came out of the Democratic convention swinging, and hasn't slowed down since then. He has been to all 254 counties in the state, and used every possible media outlet to get out his message of change. Here is his latest broadside aimed at his corporate-owned opponent:

Greg Abbott has a real problem. He thinks using public office to glorify himself is the same thing as representing the people.

Whether it's using mothers and children as statistics while ignoring them as individuals; building an expensive film department to glorify himself on the taxpayers' dollar; using the Ten Commandments to idolize himself; or using state property for his campaign commercials, Greg Abbott's term as attorney general of Texas has been all about Greg Abbott, not about the people.

He says it's OK to use state-produced film for his campaign because Greg Abbott the candidate requested the film from Greg Abbott the Attorney General, then Greg the Attorney General granted Greg the candidate's request. It is an embarrassment for Texas that an Attorney General who was also a Texas Supreme Court justice would be this fast and loose about conflicts of interest.

I've recorded this sworn pledge to my fellow Texans in 254 county courthouses: "I solemnly promise that I shall treat the office of Attorney General of Texas as exclusively the property of the people of Texas, which I shall hold in trust exclusively for the benefit of the public and never as my personal domain or tool of personal advancement or profit, for so long as the people may choose to entrust it to me."

Greg Abbott is outspending me at least 50 to 1. His millions come from corporate executives who are used to buying government. My funding comes from ordinary people who want government to belong to all the people.

He cannot buy this election. Only people vote; I've never yet seen a thousand-dollar check that carried a voters' registration certificate.

Abbott can trust the false idol of money all he wants. I'm glad to put my trust and faith in the people and in democracy.

Texans are tired of good ole boy government. They want integrity back. They are entitled to it. November 7 will be a great day.

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