Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Tougher Ozone Standard Is Needed

Ozone is not just a pollutant, it is one that comes with safety risks to the public. These health and safety risks are not in the future, but affect many Texans now. Bad ozone days can trigger asthma attacks and cause other respiratory problems.

The current acceptable level of ozone is 85 parts per billion. The EPA's science advisors say that should be lowered to at least 70 parts per billion. However, many local urban officials in Texas oppose lowering the accepted level, because they are having enough trouble meeting the current level.

If any of an area's ozone detectors show a higher than acceptable level more than four times, that entire area is deemed to be out of compliance with federal standards, and could be subject to severe federal penalties. Last year, monitors in the Dallas-Fort Worth area showed levels of ozone over 70 parts per billion at least 642 times.

This is not a good reason to not lower the acceptable level. In fact, it shows just how unsafe the air quality is in North Texas. The level must be lowered because Texas will not act to create a healthier air quality until it is forced to do so.

The Republicans in our state government have been no help at all. They have repeatedly failed to act to stop industrial pollution, and are fixing to allow several new coal-burning power plants that will just exacerbate the problem.

Sadly, the technology exists to bring all areas into compliance with lower standards. What doesn't exist is the political will to force industrial compliance and mandate cleaner vehicles.

We must put pressure on state and local officials to clean up the air. But the onus should not be just on one area such as autos. Both the auto owners (and makers) and the industries must do their part to clean up the situation. Politicians who will not act to enforce cleaner air standards should be voted out of office, regardless of party affiliation.

The political will to clean up this situation will not exist until the public demands it. Now is the time to demand it!

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