Friday, July 18, 2008

General Clark Speaks For Noriega

Everyone knows General Wesley Clark. General Clark served his country honorably in the military for most of his life. His distinguished record is enviable and above reproach. Now General Clark is giving his active support to a fellow military man for U.S. Senator from Texas -- Lt. Col. Rick Noriega. Here is what General Clark has to say:

Just over two years ago I was asked to get involved, to take a chance -- to help a veteran, who had been drafted into his race, facing long odds and an entrenched Republican incumbent with a huge campaign war chest in a red state.

Today, we call that candidate Senator Jim Webb.

There's no doubt in my mind that we have the same opportunity in Texas -- that in four months, we can elect Rick Noriega the next U.S. Senator from Texas.

Rick faces a difficult and close race this November. Your financial support has brought Rick's campaign a long way since last year -- but he still needs your help. Please contribute to Rick's campaign today!

I know you've heard from both Senator Jim Webb and Senator Jon Tester recently. I can tell you that two years ago, the so-called experts didn't give either of them much of a chance. But when I hit the campaign trail for Jim in Virginia and Jon in Montana, I saw something different. I saw voters ready for change, an enthusiasm from the grassroots that the pundits were missing.

I see the same thing in Texas. The movement to draft Rick into the race was a remarkable organic groundswell from the grassroots. The record turnout for the Democratic presidential primary was incredible. Rick's historic victory in his primary sent a signal that we have the right candidate to beat John Cornyn.

With Rick Noriega, we have a candidate Texans will be proud to vote for. I know Rick personally, and I know he'll be a great Senator for Texas.

At a time when we are facing increasingly serious foreign policy and national security challenges, Rick's leadership and first-hand knowledge will be of paramount importance.

At a time when people are facing record-high gas prices and sky-rocketing health care costs, Rick's commitment to Texas families, not Washington special interests, will be critical. Please make a contribution to Rick today.

Thank you for your support.


Wes Clark

I have been donating a small amount to Rick's campaign for several months now, and I will continue to do so until the election in November. I urge you to give also. It doesn't have to be a lot -- just give what you can. Every little bit helps. Just consider it to be a gift to the state of Texas. Nothing will help Texas more than to send Rick Noriega to the United States Senate.

Donations can be made by using the ActBlue button in the sidebar to the right.

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