Friday, February 17, 2012

Another Poll Has Santorum Leading In Michigan

The child in the picture above could be a metaphor for the problems than Willard Mitt Romney (aka Wall Street Willie) is having in Michigan. The child wants nothing to do with Romney, and poll after poll has been showing that many Republicans in the state feel the same way. It's gotten so bad that one reporter asked Romney about the very real possibility of losing Michigan (where he was born and grew up). Romney's answer was "That won't happen."

I guess Romney is counting on a huge and expensive ad campaign to save him in Michigan (like it did in Florida). In fact, his super-PAC has already made the first huge ad buy. Maybe he can do it -- he's certainly got enough Wall Street money to spend trying. The problem is that Santorum doesn't have the closet-full of ethical problems that worked against Gingrich in Florida. Santorum is crazy, but no crazier than old Wall Street Willie himself (and Santorum just released four years of tax returns showing he paid a 30% tax rate -- which makes Romney's 13.9% rate for the last couple of years look pretty bad).

Meanwhile, another poll has been released. And like the others, it shows that Michigan is definitely in play and Romney has some ground to make up.

Rick Santorum...............34.0%
Mitt Romney...............30.4%
Newt Gingrich...............11.6%
Ron Paul...............8.9%

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