Monday, February 13, 2012

The Gingrich "Dream Team"

It's no secret that the campaign of Newt Gingrich is in serious trouble. Since his thrashing by "Wall Street Willie" Romney in the Florida primary, Gingrich has gone on to lose badly in Nevada, Colorado, Minnesota, and Maine (he wasn't on the Missouri ballot). He has also dropped sharply in all the nationwide polls. Clearly, something must be done to turn this around or Gingrich will soon be too far behind to even have a hope of catching up.

The one bright spot remaining for Gingrich is in his home state of Georgia. A new Mason-Dixon Poll in Georgia shows Gingrich still leads all of his competitors there. here are the current numbers:

Newt Gingrich...............43%
Mitt Romney...............29%
Rick Santorum...............12%
Ron Paul...............6%

Santorum's support may be undercounted, since part of the poll was conducted before he scored huge victories in Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri (and many people thought he was already out of the race). But even if the above numbers hold up and Gingrich is able to win Georgia on Super Tuesday (March 6th), that is not going to be enough. Gingrich needs to win more delegates on Super Tuesday than Georgia has to offer.

And Gingrich thinks he has come up with an idea that will propel him back into the race. Todd J. Gillman of The Dallas Morning News is reporting that Gingrich has assembled a conservative "dream team" to campaign on his behalf. This "dream team" (pictured above) is composed of Rick Perry, Herman Cain, Chuck Norris, Fred Thompson, Michael Reagan, Kellyanne Conway, Linda Upmeyer, and J.C. Watts.

If this is the best he can come up with, we may well be witnessing the dying whimpers of the Gingrich campaign. None of these losers have shown they have the ability to swing even a small amount of voters, let alone perform the miracle that would be necessary to revive the Gingrich campaign.

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