Sunday, June 10, 2012

Regular Posts Will Resume On Tuesday

I want to thank my regular readers for indulging me in the last few days. I am a political junkie, and the state conventions held every couple of years are my "fix". I know my posting has been only about the convention, and probably not up to my usual standards. But I've got it out of my system for another couple of years now.

I'll probably be spending most of Sunday waiting around in airports or on planes, trying to get back home. That means there will probably not be any posts for Monday. But I'll be back to my regular posting Monday evening, so there'll be posts up for Tuesday. Thanks for understanding.


  1. if your out and about..stop by West, I'll buy you a skunk egg.

  2. I was flying this trip, YDG. But I'd definitely love to visit West someday and have you show me around. I've stopped a few times there for the Czech pastries, but never ventured far from the freeway.


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