Friday, June 04, 2010

Bush Admits Authorizing Torture

It has long been an established fact that the United States used torture on prisoners they had designated to be terrorists. It has also been known that high ranking officials had authorized the use of methods of torture and this was not just the actions of a few low-ranking individuals acting on there own. But even though we know that attorneys working for the White House had tried to legally justify the use of torture, many people (especially right-wingers) claimed there was no direct evidence that showed Bush had ordered the torture.

There is now. Speaking in Michigan to the Economic Club of Grand Rapids, Bush told the crowd that he had indeed authorized the use of torture on at least one person -- Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Bush said, "Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. I'd do it again to save lives." Bush seems proud of breaking the law and torturing prisoners. The problem is that there's absolutely no evidence that the torture saved a single American life.

Mohammed was waterboarded at least 183 times and did give information -- all of it lies. But while there is no proof that any of the torture has saved any lives, it is known that it accomplished a couple of things. It has cost this country the moral authority carefully built up over years. It has also endangered American soldiers, since our enemies can now claim they are only doing what we have done.

Bush and Cheney should have been put on trial months ago for ordering the use of torture (and for illegally spying on American citizens). There is no longer any doubt of their guilt since we now have a confession.

Now there is only one problem. President Obama doesn't have the balls to bring these criminals to justice.


  1. i agree...but the truth is..we have so much shit that needs to be fixed if we went after the bush administration..the rest of his presdidency would be about i say..just make em leave the us...get the fuck out of dodge..

  2. Thanks for this. I couldn't agree more. Refusing to even permit an investigation of high ranking Bush officials was easily the worst thing Obama has done since he's been in office.


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