Saturday, June 04, 2011

The Good And The Bad

There are a couple of stories in the news now that, at least for me, represents the good and the bad in our culture. The good was represented by Dr. Jack Kevorkian (pictured). This brave man fought tenaciously for Americans to have the right to control their own lives and deaths. He thought terminally ill people should have the right to die with dignity and at a time of their own choosing.

His reasoning was simple, and compelling -- "Who's life is it anyway?" One would think that in a country that prides itself on being free that people would have the right to control their own life and death. But too many people want to impose their own religious morality on others in this country and force them to die a lingering and painful and degrading death. Kevorkian believed people should have the right to die in dignity, and he was brave enough to risk his own freedom to carry out that belief.

I know he made a lot of people mad, but I think he is a hero. We need more Americans like Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Sadly though, we now have one less. Dr. Kevorkian died recently of heart and kidney problems after a two week stay in the hospital. He was 88 years old.

The bad is a politician I once supported -- John Edwards. This vile piece of crap was committing adultery with a girlfriend on the side while his wife was fighting a serious cancer. That would have been enough to make me think he was a pitiful excuse for a human being, but he then compounded the problem by using campaign funds to pay off the mistress to keep her quiet (so his presidential campaign wouldn't be damaged).

Edwards was once viewed as a politician with a conscience and a future. Sadly he just turned out to be an adulterer, a liar, and a criminal. Yesterday a grand jury indicted the creep on six charges -- conspiracy, making false statements, and four counts of receiving illegal campaign contributions. he is now dancing as fast as he can in an effort to stay out of jail.

Maybe he should go to jail. Maybe it would teach him some humility and common decency.

1 comment:

  1. so long jack..hope there was someone there to help you along..and john edwards...oh if you only didn't have a dick.


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