Sunday, June 02, 2013

Intolerance Indicates Doubt

 “No one would burn a man alive for a demonstrable truth. Hence, no matter what their proponents believe, the Inquisition, the Crusades and the Jihad tend to reinforce the very doubt they set out to destroy. The horror they unleash tends to confirm the fact that no one has true knowledge where God is concerned. Thus, we are doomed to either religious wars or tolerance, according to whether passion or lucidity carry the day”

 “To be an atheist is not necessarily to be against God. Why would I be against what [I believe] does not exist? Personally, I would go even further and admit that I would definitely prefer that there be a God. This is just why, in my eyes, all religions are suspicious”

Andre Comte-Sponville

1 comment:

  1. Like many a French intellectual he pontificates and thereby misses the point. True Christians already know that there is no proof of God which is why they speak constantly of faith.


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