Monday, July 22, 2013

Boehner Is An Idiot !

(The caricature of Speaker Boehner above is from the incomparable DonkeyHotey.)

Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner has demonstrated his incompetence repeatedly in this 113th Congress. He has been unable to get very much done, has shown no desire to compromise with the Senate, and cannot even seem to control the members of his own party in the House. I've seen a lot of Speakers come and go (of both parties), but I don't remember any of them being as weak and ineffectual as Boehner.

And now he shows he is just a total idiot. When questioned about the inability of Congress to get anything done, he tried to defend himself by saying that Congress should not be judged on the number of laws it passes, but on the number of laws it repeals.

That statement is stupid on its face. With this nation's economic difficulties, it should be obvious that Congress needs to pass some laws to get the country moving again -- to create jobs, to increase demand in the marketplace, to raise worker wages, to insure equal wages for women, to stop the outsourcing of American jobs,  and to stop the hiding of money overseas to avoid taxes.

But Boehner is not interested in doing any of that. He has abandoned trying to improve the economy in favor of repealing old laws. Unfortunately, he fails on that also. How many laws has Congress repealed? Frankly, I don't remember any.

He would probably point to the 38 times that his GOP-dominated House has voted to repeal Obamacare, but has that been accomplished? Obamacare has not been repealed, in spite of all those votes -- and it is not going to be repealed (because, while far short of what is needed, Obamacare has proven to be a significant improvement in our health care system).

The truth is that Boehner has been a failure -- whether you look at laws passed or laws repealed.

1 comment:

  1. "Congress should not be judged on the number of laws it passes, but on the number of laws it repeals."

    I know little of Mr. Boenher but on that single remark alone I will rate him highly for his wisdom.

    On the other hand, whoever wrote this:

    "it should be obvious that Congress needs to pass some laws to get the country moving again -- to create jobs, to increase demand in the marketplace, to raise worker wages, to insure equal wages for women, to stop the outsourcing of American jobs ..."

    needs his bumps felt!

    Passing laws to create jobs! How does that work, then?


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