Monday, July 22, 2013

Was Zimmerman Just A Coward ?

I am a little tired of those who would have us believe that George Zimmerman was just doing his job as a member of his neighborhood watch. They would have us believe that neighborhood watch members normally carry firearms, and make a habit of confronting individuals they consider to be suspicious -- and that is simply not true.

Most neighborhood watch individuals are not armed, because it is not their job to approach or apprehend anyone. Their job is to notify the police, and then back off and let the police do their job.

Let me say at this point that I am a big supporter of neighborhood watch, and their cousin Citizens on Patrol. That is because my life was saved by a member of Citizens on Patrol, when I was shot by a carjacker. This wonderful gentleman called an ambulance for me, and then later testified at the criminal trial (because he had seen the perpetrator driving away in my car). He was a true hero, and he did not need (or have) a gun.

The truth is that Zimmerman violated the rules of neighborhood watch when he approached and tried to apprehend Trayvon Martin. Once he called the police, his job was over (unless he was needed to testify in court later). And he was even told that by police when he called them. If he had done his job, no one would have died. He approached Trayvon because he was a macho prick who thought he was invincible because he had a gun.

And he was a coward. Too many people in this country think they can compensate for cowardice with a firearm -- and too often it gets someone killed unnecessarily (and many times it is themselves). And because he had a gun, Zimmerman turned a fistfight (that wouldn't even have happened if he had just done his job) into a shooting (that resulted in a death).

A fellow blogger that I respect, Jerome Doolittle at Bad Attitudes, has an interesting take on the shooting -- that it happened because of the cowardice of Zimmerman. And that this might have been realized if the jury had some males on it. His whole post is worth reading, but I especially liked his summation. He said:

It occurs to me, though, that the jurors’ decision may have been gender-influenced in an entirely different way. The six women would be unlikely to have much first-hand knowledge of contact sports and street fights. Male jurors might, though, and would have been less inclined to take Zimmerman’s plight seriously. They would know that scalp wounds tend to bleed out of all proportion to their severity — and Zimmerman’s were abrasions that hardly bled at all. They would know that finding yourself on the bottom in a struggle may be undesirable but is seldom fatal. They might feel scorn rather than pity for an older, heavier man who panicked after starting something that he couldn’t finish with a 17-year-old kid. Men might have found it beside the point whether Zimmerman felt his life was being threatened, which is the idiotically low bar set by Florida law. They might have found the more relevant and less moronic consideration to be whether he should have felt his life was in danger.

Basically, male jurors might have asked, didn’t the kid die because Zimmerman was such a pussy?


  1. Well, at least you seem to have got past the 'Zimmerman is a racist' schtik but, alas, you have nor progressed much further.

    Zimmerman did *not* 'approach and try and apprehend Martin'. Precisely the opposite, Martin leapt out on Zimmerman, taking him by surprise (which is why his gun was in his pocket) and then proceeded to beat his head against a concrete pavement.

    And according your wiseacre friend who, I suspect, has not taken part in many street fights, Zimmerman was supposed to lie there weighing up exactly how much damage was taking place to the back of his head whilst conducting a blood count to ensure that the blood loss was within 'health and safety' limits, all this whilst having his nose plastered across his face. Now, Ted, were a stranger to do that to you would you not think it possible, even probable, that the raging idiot might kill you? In fact, I will go further and suggest to you that had Zimmerman *not* fired Martin might well have killed him, even if inadvertently.

    Finally, why can't you just take it on the chin, or the nose as Zimmerman did, and accept the jury verdict - NOT guilty!

    1. 'beat his head against a concrete pavement.' and the evidence for this??? being Excessive? I ask because no one has yet told me about any witnesses to verify this. Did he have a bump on his head? There are many questions I would have asked if on the jury, but not being at the court some of these may have been answered. But who cares now he is not guilty that is all that counts for now. Whether I or any one THINKS something else is of no concern. He will NEVER be a danger to me, and wish him a long life with his conscience.

    2. Curious Texan7/25/2013 7:50 PM

      How about this?

      Or this?

      If you want to know more about the case, I suggest you scroll down to the link I posted, entitled "A Few Questions for Those Upset by the Zimmerman Verdict," and take the survey.

  2. The only way Zimmerman could not be the aggressor is if Trayvon attacked him while he was sitting in the car, which even Zimmerman admits did not happen.

  3. So if you saw a young, male stranger in your locality at night, peering into your neighbours' windows, you wouldn't follow him at a distance to see what he was up to? Glad I don't live next to you!

    Not even under some of the crackpot laws of Florida - or anywhere else in America - is it "aggression" to follow a suspicious person at a distance to see what he's up to.

    "Aggression" is hiding in a bush and then jumping out at someone, knocking them to the ground and then pounding their head against the concrete.

    You really must stop letting the likes of Al 'Capone' Sharpton pull your strings!

  4. You have obviously decided to believe the lies of Zimmerman. I don't. And I am equally glad you don't live next door to me. You really must stop letting the likes of Fox News pull your strings!

  5. Well, it seems that most black Americans do NOT believe the lies of the media and their progressive 'agitprop', the turnout for the Sharpton/Jackson 'rallies' was derisory. That, more than anything else, confirms my long-held opinion that America, with the odd exception here and there, is now a post-racial society. You should be celebrating the fact, not banging your discordant drum on behalf of Sharpton/Jackson who earn their living playing you and your ilk for suckers!

  6. If Martin had pounded Zimmerman's head into the pavement for a good 30 seconds Zimmerman would probably be dead or disabled.

  7. Curious Texan7/25/2013 1:10 PM

    I discovered this survey today and thought it might add to the discussion:

    A Few Questions for Those Upset by the Zimmerman Verdict

    P.S. An old Army buddy of mine who's both a law enforcement professional in New York City and an African-American, has an interesting take on this regarding Zimmerman's role as part of a Community Watch. It's an aspect of the case that I haven't seen discussed much, what with all the cries of racism and such.

    I value Phil's opinion greatly, because he's always been amazingly objective about these kinds of things. For instance, back in 1984, he was of the opinion that Bernard Goetz was in the right (Google the name if you're not familiar with the case.)

    Anyway, here's what my friend wrote about the Zimmerman case on his really great blog, Stuff & Nonsense:

    "The big news this week was that George Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges in Trayvon Martin’s death… Frankly, I don’t get it… Zimmerman was a 'Community Watch' guy… Therefore, he was supposed to 'Watch'… It’s in the title… 'Observe and Report'… As far as I’m concerned, the instant he got out of the car, and confronted Trayvon Martin, he was in the wrong… Well, there were protests all over the country, and there will be more… And the civil suits/civil rights trials, and other legal machinations will continue until just before Rapture… The only winners in this one will be the lawyers… The only losers, will be the Martins…"

    1. I agree, and have said so. Zimmerman should have obeyed the police and stayed in his car. He instigated everything that followed by getting out and confronting Trayvon.


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