Monday, August 05, 2013

We All Deserve It

Amen to that. Why do the members of Congress get good government health care insurance, but those members of Congress (especially the Republicans) think it is wrong for other Americans to get the same coverage. Hell, they're even talking about abolishing Medicare. That is just insane. We should be offering something like Medicare to every American citizen, regardless of age -- and those in Congress should get the same coverage that all other Americans get. After all, we're supposed to be living in a democracy where everyone is equal and has the same rights and privileges.


  1. The feds are the biggest crooks in town, and that includes the prez.
    The prez sits on his butt for 4 years and then gets 50K/yr for the rest of his life and free SS protection....from what???
    I had to work 20+ yrs to get just over 1K/mo and that was real work not just warming my seat.
    Congress gets FULL medical coverage for FREE!!!
    I have to do co-pays and have limits on services.
    Not only should they get the same medical as everyone else and they should not get paid any more then 10%over national average, that way they will WORK to make this place better.
    FAT chance that ever happening..

  2. I agree with your every word!


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