Sunday, August 04, 2013

Wine Is Catching Up With Beer In Popularity

These charts were made with information from a recent Gallup Poll (conducted between July 10th and 14th of 2,027 nationwide adults -- with a margin of error of 3 points).

This doesn't really have anything to do with politics. I just found it interesting, and a little bit surprising. It seems that wine is now nearly as popular as beer in the United States. Twenty years ago, there was a 20 point gap between the two (with beer at 47% and wine at 27%) Ten years ago, that gap had shrunk to 9 points (42% to 33%), and currently there is only an insignificant 1 point difference (36% to 35%). Meanwhile, the popularity of liquor has continued at about that same level over those twenty years.

I knew wine was increasing in popularity in this country, but I hadn't realized it was doing so at the expense of the popularity of beer. I doubt this is of earth-shaking importance (except to the beer companies), but it is interesting. Also interesting, but expected, is the wide gap between men and women over their preference. Men prefer beer to wine by 53% to 20%, while women prefer wine to beer by 52% to 20% -- nearly mirror images of each other.

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