Saturday, May 20, 2006

11 Quick Thoughts On Immigration

I submit the following thoughts on immigration for your perusal:

1. There are no indigenous groups of people in the United States. All of our ancestors originally came from somewhere else. It is true that "native americans" got here a few thousand years before the rest of us, but they also came from somewhere else. In fact, scientists tell us that the only place on earth truly indigenous to humans is Africa. Every person in the world can trace his/her ancestry back to Africa where humanity started.

2. Many who complain today about illegal immigration had ancestors who entered this country illegally. I know it is a popular myth that everyone in the past entered legally through Ellis Island. This is simply not true. In fact, it was much easier in the past to enter illegally than it is today.

3. The current immigration debate is bigoted in nature. It has to be. Otherwise, we would not just be concentrating on our southern border where those "brown-skinned" people are coming in. We have a much longer border with Canada, but few resources are allocated to protect our northern border. Could it be because most Canadians are "white"?

4. When politicians say they want to secure our southern border so the "terrorists" can't enter, they are not being truthful. They are simply playing the terrorist card to further their own bigotry. Crossing our southern border is far too difficult and dangerous for terrorist entry. Only those poor and destitute people who have no choice will attempt this rigorous journey. Most terrorists who enter this country do so through our many international airports. All they need is a decent set of papers [and they have the money and knowledge to do this]. Even without papers, it is much easier and less dangerous to simply walk across the Canadian border.

5. A fence sounds good to many in this country, but it just will not work. As long as the opportunity to work exists, people will cross our southern border. Fences traditionally do not work. The Great Wall of China did not keep their enemies out. The Berlin Wall did not keep the Germans in. A fence between Mexico and the U.S. is a waste of money and effort.

6. Putting the National Guard on our southern border is just silly. Their ranks have been decimated by the Iraq War and new enlistments are at an all-time low. They have also not been properly trained for the duties they will be expected to perform on the border. A few years ago, army units were sent to help patrol the border. They were withdrawn after a soldier shot and killed an unarmed person. We seem to have short memories in this country.

7. The "minutemen" are an embarrassment to us all. They patrol with their guns and confederate flags, unashamed of their bigotry. Surely these aren't the people we want representing us at the border. They should be sent home.

8. The debate over the National Anthem being sung in spanish is a false one. Georgie said it should be sung in English, but he didn't mind singing along to the anthem in spanish while he was on the campaign trail. No one else seemed to mind it at that time either.

9. Georgie's "guest worker" proposal sounds an awful lot like indentured servitude to me. These workers will be brought in to work for less-than-decent wages and will have none of the protections American workers have. If they complain about employer abuse, they will be deported. Slavery was outlawed in this country, but it looks like Georgie wants to reinstitute it.

10. There is a simple and effective way to cut off illegal immigration in this country. Cut off the jobs. Send a few employers to prison and fine them heavily, and make sure the rest know it will also happen to them if they hire illegal workers. When there are no jobs for illegals, they will stop coming. As long as there are jobs, nothing can keep them out.

11. Hilary Clinton voted in favor of building the fence on our southern border. Does she have any credibility left as a liberal?

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