Wednesday, July 12, 2006

You Cell Phone Drivers Are Scary People

Stop it. Just stop it! Hang the damn thing up! Yes, I'm talking to you driving 45 mph on the freeway, changing lanes & exiting without looking, ignoring traffic signs & lights, and being generally oblivious to the world around you, because you want to talk on your cell phone and try to drive at the same time. You may be able to do both at the same time, but you cannot do both really well at the same time.

I must admit that I get very angry with your driving, but my anger is not the important thing. Don't you realize how dangerous you are to the rest of us?
If you watch television or read a newspaper or have a computer, you have to have heard about the studies that have been done. You are more than five times as likely to cause an accident than the normal driver. It gets even worse. You are as bad a driver as a drunk person, maybe worse.

I know you're going to tell me that you are one of those special people that don't get distracted when talking on the phone while driving. Bullshit! I never met a drunk who thought he was incapable of driving either. Never had an accident? Then you've just been lucky, like the drunk who has not had an accident - yet.

Please tell me what it is that is so important, that makes you willing to put the lives and property of others in danger? If it really is important, then you should know it will distract you. Pull over and park and talk your head off. If it's not really that important, then hang up and turn the damn thing off. This is not a matter of etiquette. This is about the safety of your fellow citizens.

Please hang up and drive. You're scaring the hell out of me.


  1. Just this morning my boys were playing on the sidewalk and a truck came by at a much faster speed than I would ever go with children around. Sure enough: cell phone. And this was a commercial vehicle of some kind.

    I think the fact that it's legal to drive while talking on a cell phone is a shame. Someone is going to pay with hisher life, except that it's very likely already happened. Someone important is going to pay with hisher life, and then the law will be changed.

  2. I left it out of the post, but about 2,600 people die each year because of cell phone drivers.


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