Sunday, August 06, 2006

Cindy Sheehan Back In Texas

Today Cindy Sheehan returned to Crawford, Texas. She, and other peace protesters have timed their demonstrations to coincide with Georgie's latest vacation at his pseudo-ranch. Sheehan has been a thorn in Georgie's side since the death of her son in Iraq. She promises to remain so until the war is over.

This time, the protesters have a 5 acre plot of land on which to gather. Sheehan purchased the land with money from her son's insurance. She bought the land through a third-party, since she knew the owners would not have sold to her. Some Crawford residents are angry that Sheehan has returned, but she says they "just need to relax a little bit and learn to live with us." Sheehan has said that when the war is over, she will give the 5 acres to the town of Crawford, where she hopes they will build a park celebrating peace.

Bravo to all the protesters in Crawford! These are the true patriots, who know that the best way to honor our soldiers is to stop killing them, and bring them home immediately.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you should join Cindy Sheehan in Texas. By the way, on July 4, 2006, in front of the White House, didn't she commit to a continuing hunger strike until troops are out of Iraq?

    What a pathetic joke she is.


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