Thursday, August 10, 2006

Georgie Is Destroying U.S. Credibility

The entire world is clamoring for a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah, but Georgie is dragging his feet. This lack of real action toward establishing a cease-fire is damaging U.S. credibility in the Mideast. The people of the Mideast are not stupid. They fully understand that the U.S.'s failure to act is really a cover for allowing the Israeli's more time to accomplish their aims in Lebanon.

In the Carter, Clinton, Reagan, & Bush I administrations, the U.S. established a fairly neutral position from which they could help negotiations in the Mideast. They convinced both sides that they could get a fair deal. Georgie has destroyed all that previous work. Even an idiot can see now that the U.S. has chosen to back Israel exclusively. Georgie's idea of negotiating with Arab countries and organizations is to ask them to surrender to whatever Israel wants.

Israel has the right to exist and to be secure, but so do the Arab countries. Georgie's absolute backing of Israel has set back all Mideast negotiations. Why should Arabs allow us to broker a negotiation, when they know we support their enemy?

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said, "Foot-dragging on a ceasefire and the continuation of the Israeli agression detract from the credibility of the United States and the West in the region. The United States has not moved to a sufficient extent and with the neccessary speed to contain the situation. Long months have passed without full implementation of resolution 1559. It is inconceivable that what was not achieved in past years and months could be achieved in the midst of the current crises and within a few weeks." Remember, Mubarak and Egypt is our ally. Imagine what our enemies think!

It looks like the U.S. is trying to destroy any support we have left in the Mideast. Even the Lebanese, who were starting to believe in the U.S., now considers us to be an enemy - not a superpower who could broker a peace, but an enemy. The Lebanese now believe that we put Israel up to attacking Lebanon. They may be right.

Georgie has put the U.S. in a bad position in the Mideast. It will take years to repair the damage, if it can be repaired. Until it is repaired [or a new world leader emerges], the conflict in the Mideast will continue. The time table for Mideast peace may have been set back by years. Once again, Georgie's incompetence has trumped sanity.

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