Thursday, August 10, 2006

New Resource For Your Blog

There's a new blog aggregator in town, that promises to make things easier for bloggers and for readers. It is called Here are some of the things they do:

1. Show the day's top news, based on the media sources and stories that Texas bloggers are linking to.

2. Provides a micro-search engine that will only search the Texas blogoshpere.

3. Has a guide to the hottest comment sections of Texas blogs.

4. Provides an index of the day's most active Texas blogs.

5. Provides a guide to the blog posts most linked to by other Texas bloggers.

Drop by and give them a look. I think you'll like what you see. You may click on the link above, or check our blogroll for They started this in Virginia, and it worked pretty well there. Now it has come to Texas.

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