Friday, August 11, 2006

Random Texas Political Thoughts

Democratic candidate for governor, Chris Bell, seems to have a dilemma on his hands. He needs to attack the governor and try to get his poll numbers under 30%. If he doesn't, Perry could carry the election with the 35% he currently has. However, if he does get the numbers down, he will not benefit from it. This 35% is made up of hardcore Republicans, and if they leave Perry, they will go to either Grandma or Kinky. They will not go to a Democrat. That is the dilemma. He needs to get Perry's numbers down, but doing so will only help his other two opponents. I look for Bell to focus more of his attacks on Grandma and Kinky, and hope that those two can cut down Perry's numbers. It's his only option.

Back around the middle of May, the University of Texas at Arlington was being picketed by Vietnamese-Americans, because they had a Vietnamese flag flying among 122 others in one of the school buildings. They did this to honor their foreign students. The demonstrators were upset that the flag of communist Vietnam was included. When the school wouldn't remove the flag [they offered to also fly the South Vietnamese flag], the demonstrators went to Austin to complain. Rep. Hubert Vo [D-Houston] and Rep. Toby Goodman [R-Arlington] then told the university that it wouldn't get the money to build a new engineering building as long as the Vietnamese flag flew among the others. The school then took down all 123 flags. Today they got their payoff. The university was notified today that they will get a new 300,000 square foot, $100 million engineering building.

U.S. Congressman Joe Barton [R-Arlington] is calling for expanded drilling for oil. He wants to expand exploration and drilling for oil in Alaska, and off the coasts of California and Florida. Evidently, Barton is not satisfied to be responsible for protecting air polluters in the metroplex, and seeing to it that they can continue to pollute the DFW area. Now he wants to help destroy the Alaskan wilderness, and pollute the coastlines of America's most popular vacation spots. Is there anything that Barton wouldn't do for his corporate masters?

1 comment:

  1. This blog entry carries forward an earlier misstatement of fact regarding the Hall of Flags at UT Arlington. The RVN flag had been hanging since long before the SRVN flag was hung. It was NOT hung in response to protests, and was never removed until all flags were removed (in the middle of the night). The rules governing the HoF state that flags, once hung, are not removed.


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