Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sen. Hutchison Too Good To Ride Elevator With Voters

It looks likes Georgie's lapdog, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, is just too special to ride the elevator with us regular folks. The downtown Fort Worth Club has two elevators, but last friday, one was unable to be used by patrons because it was being held by a security guard. When the security guard was asked why he was holding the elevator, he said, "For the senator." Someone waiting for the other elevator remarked, "Must be hard to catch an elevator at the U.S. Capitol."

Sen. Hutchison arrived after the elevator had been held for about 30 minutes. She spoke to the Rotary Club, and then left in, you guessed it, an elevator held for her exclusive use by a security guard. Isn't she special!

Folks, we've got to get rid of this crazy woman. She's backed Georgie on all his efforts to break the law and destroy our country. Now she's too good to wait on an elevator with regular folk.

We do have an alternative, and it's a good one. She is the Democratic candidate, Barbara Ann Radnofsky. Radnofsky cares about the issues that are important to Texans. She understands that our country is on the wrong track. I bet she would even ride the elevator with us ordinary voters. Wouldn't it be great to have a senator OF the people and not ABOVE the people?

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