Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Another Reason To Vote Against Hutchison

If we didn't already have enough reasons to vote against Kay Bailey Hutchison, here is one more. The racist mother of the current incompetent occupying the White House, Barbara Bush, has revealed her support for Senator Hutchison. She said in Dallas yesterday, "I'm glad I'm here so I can tell everybody in this room how strongly the Bush family feels about Kay, her service to the state [and] her service to the United States. We love Kay Bailey Hutchison."

Of course, this is no surprise. The Bush family should love Kay Bailey Hutchison. She has served as Georgie's personal lap dog for years now, voting for anything that Georgie asks her to vote for - no matter how stupid, inane, hurtful, or unconstitutional the legislation might be.

Hutchison's opponent, Barbara Ann Radnofsky, was quick to respond saying, "Barbara Bush is trying to protect her son's puppet senator, who rubber-stamps failed Bush administration policies 95.6 percent of the time."

The two senate candidates will debate each other on Thursday, October 19th. The debate will be taped at 7:30pm, and then shown on PBS affiliates across the state at 9:00pm. It should be fun watching Hutchison try to defend her support of the failed Bush policies against an experienced debater and attorney, Barbara Ann Radnofsky.

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