Monday, October 09, 2006

Don't Vote For Dirtier Air

It has become pretty clear who the candidate for the big energy companies is in the Texas race for governor. Rick Perry has tried to "fasttrack" the building of 11 new coal-burning power plants in Texas, and he has been rewarded with huge donations from those connected to the power industry. Telling the citizens of Texas that the new plants would be 80% cleaner, Perry and the power moguls tried to slide these new plants in under the radar.

But the truth came out anyway. We learned that the 80% cleaner figure did not mean all pollutants, but only mercury. It turns out that the new plants would pump many new tons of ozone and carbon dioxide into the air. Our air would not only be more dangerous to breath, but these new plants would help to build up greenhouse gases and destroy our planet. We learned that Perry doesn't care about the future he is ruining for Texans, as long as the big corporations keep his campaign coffers full.

There are four major candidates in the governor's race, and only one of them is willing to sell our future to the oil and power companies. All three of Perry's opponents oppose the building of these power plants as recommended by Perry. Grandma and Bell want to stop the plants until it can be shown they will use newer and safer technology. Kinky agrees, and wants to move more toward renewable sources of energy.

I urge you not to vote to make Texas' air dirtier. There are three candidates that have come out against the pollution of Texas' air quality. Pick your favorite of the three, and vote against corporate pollution of Texas. Remember, a vote for Perry is a vote for air pollution.

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