Monday, October 23, 2006

Kinky Online & Odds On The Senate Race

If the election was just held among college and high school students, then Kinky would be our next governor. The Star-Telegram tells us today that Kinky is very popular among the young., an online community of 10 million, who are mostly high school and college-aged kids, is holding an online and very unscientific poll to determine the favorite for the governor's race. As of last friday, Kinky had 69% of the Facebook vote. Perry was second with 16%, Bell had 10%, Strayhorn had 4%, and Werner had 1%.

There is also a site on Facebook called "He Ain't Kinky, He's my Governor", and it has 20,312 members. Meanwhile, another site, "Texans for Rick Perry" has only 965 members.

Kinky is also very popular on On his MySpace site, Kinky has several thousand members.

But the big question is whether these young supporters will show up at the polls to vote. Traditionally, young voters don't show up at the polls in as large a numbers as older voters. But if Kinky is to win, large numbers of young and non-traditional voters must show up at the polls. If they show up, Kinky will win. If they don't, then we'll probably have another four years of Rick Perry.

The Star-Telegram also had an interesting take on the senate race. They went to an online betting site,, and got the official betting odds on the Texas senate race. Here are the current betting odds:

Kay Bailey Hutchison [1 to 15]

Barbara Ann Radnofsky [8 to 1]

Scott Jameson [35 to 1]

Of course, many bets are lost - that is why the bookies get rich. Let's hope they're wrong this time.

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