Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Van Os Nears Completion Of 254 County Tour

After he won the Democratic primary last Spring, David Van Os, candidate for Texas Attorney General, promised to take his campaign message to the courthouse steps of all of Texas' 254 counties. At each courthouse, he would file a written oath with the county clerk, of his convictions and intentions. Van Os is now nearing the completion of this promise.

At the end of today's visits, David Van Os will have completed visits to 241 of the 254 Texas counties. Tomorrow, he will stop at courthouses in Kent, Stonewall, Haskell, Knox, and King counties. Friday, he will visit Dickens county [#247]. Van Os has delivered on this promise, and I expect when he is elected, he will deliver on his other promises.

Here is what David Van Os has to say:

"Government is supposed to belong to all the people, therefore the political process has to include all the people, in every county of our state. That's why I'm spending from April to October personally visiting and speaking to the public at every one of the 254 county courthouses in Texas.

Under the Texas Constitution the people are entitled to a state attorney general who serves the public interest instead of the special interests. The Texas Attorney General is the one state officer who under our Constitution is most especially responsible to protect the people as citizens, consumers, taxpayers, and private property owners. With his millions of dollars of campaign contributions from the wealthy and the privileged, incumbent Greg Abbott wants to purchase another four years to continue protecting the toll-road profiteers, the insurance companies, the oil companies, and corrupt politicians from the people. This year the voters have a real choice for real change, a fighting lawyer who will protect the people from the political insiders and robber barons instead of the other way around. When your lawyer has a conflict of interest you should fire him, and it's time for the people of Texas to fire Greg Abbott."

I encourage you to vote against the continuing corporate takeover of Texas. The best way to do that is to elect David Van Os our next attorney general.

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