Wednesday, November 01, 2006

David Pillow Calls For 'A Better Direction'

There is an open seat up for grabs in State House District 94 this year, since the incumbent, Kent Grusendorf, was defeated in the primaries. This has set up a close and interesting race. I believe the Democrat, David Pillow, has an excellent chance to win this district.

I have met and talked with David, and I can assure you that he would make an excellent representative in the state legislature. David is not a lawyer, like most candidates. He is a businessman who understands the problems faced by small businesses in Texas.

For those of you in the district who may not be familiar with David Pillow, I have reprinted a message from David to the voters. Check it out, and then vote for a return to sanity on November 7th. Vote for David Pillow.

As a young man growing up in Texas, I was taught that I lived in a land of opportunity. I understood that through hard work and determination I could become successful. That is no longer the case for many Texans today. It is time for a Better Direction.

The shell game politics in Austin has changed that. The denial of opportunity to the hard working men and women of Texas can be seen in almost every action of the legislature. It is time for a Better Direction.

The leadership in Austin lacks the courage to address the real problems facing our schools; out of date textbooks, shockingly high drop out rates and dependence on the TAKS as the primary means of measuring performance. Denying our children and an entire generation of Texans the opportunity to get the kind of quality education they need to compete.It is time for a Better Direction.

By insisting on keeping our educators pay at well below the national average and burdening our schools with paper work, the people whose passion it is to teach and guide our youngsters are being denied the opportunity to makea decent living, to support their own families.It is time for a better direction. So many of our young adults are willing to continue their education, dream of bettering themselves through a higher education, and yet they are denied this opportunity. They are denied this opportunity by sky rocketing tuition. Thanks to the "sneak-a-tax" of deregulation, forced upon Texas families by the Austin Insiders, young Texans are faced with the choice of going into massive debt or going into the workforce uneducated and ill equipped.It is time for a Better Direction.

Obtaining health care for those Texans who simply cannot afford this basic necessity should not be a near impossibility. Texans already struggling to support their families should not be faced with an incompetent and adversarial system. The current leadership in Austin tossed thousands of children out of the CHIPS program, denying them health care. By being denied access to affordable health care Texas families are being denied the opportunity to protect their families. Many Texas seniors faced with the decision of buying medicine or food have been ignored by the leadership in Austin. Our parents, our grandparents are being denied the opportunity to retire with the peace of mind they deserve for all of the hard work they put into making Texas the great state it is.They deserve a Better Direction.

It used to be a young Texan entering the work force out of high school knew that if they worked hard and applied themselves they could begin to build a life for themselves. Now these same young Texans are faced with the prospect of taking a minimum wage job without benefits. There is no opportunity for Texans when we ask them to start at a job that has no hope of supporting them.It is time for a Better Direction.

I know Texas can once again become a real land of opportunity. But it will take courage and strength to stand up to the Austin Insiders, I will fight for the hard working families of Texas. I will support any legislation that provides for our children and our teachers and gives them both the opportunities they deserve. Young Texans deserve the opportunity to get a higher education, I will sponsor legislation to reverse the skyrocketing costs of higher education. No one should be denied the opportunity to obtain decent health care for themselves or their children. I will work to make sure the children and seniors of our state have that opportunity. As a businessman I know the effect wages have on the bottom line. I know that a fairly compnesated employee is a productive employee. Knowing this I will fight to raise the minimum wage, I will fight to make sure every job can provide the opportunity to support oneself. I will lead us in a Better Direction towards Real Change.

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