Sunday, November 12, 2006

Dems To Go After Corruption In Iraq

The Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction has been a thorn in Georgie's side for a while now. Their investigations have led to the conviction of U.S. officials on bribery charges, and exposed substandard construction. They have also repeatedly shown that Georgie's claims of progress in Iraq's reconstruction is false.

No wonder the Republicans wanted to get rid of this agency. They were exposing too many lies and too much graft. Recently, the Republicans slipped a provision into a military appropriations bill that would end the operations of the agency.

But since winning control of both houses of Congress last week, the Democrats are saying they want to extend the term of the agency and restore its investigative powers. Senator Harry Reid [D-Nevada], minority leader said, "The unilateral decision made by House Republicans to shut down this critical office should be reversed immediately."

Senator Carl Levin [D-Michigan], soon-to-be chairman of the Armed Services Committee said, "There have been serious allegations and evidence of misconduct among suppliers. And the taxpayers, of course, get socked on that. And the troops are not properly taken care of when that happens."

Reinstating this vital agency is a good first step for congressional Democrats. There have been far too many no-bid contracts and sweetheart deals involving the war in Iraq. But the Democrats need to go further, and conduct investigations of their own in both houses of Congress.

It's time to shine a light on American corruption in Iraq.

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