Saturday, November 04, 2006

Greenhouse Gases Reach Record Levels

The World Meteorological Organization [WMO] has announced that the level of greenhouse gases rose again last year, and now sits at record levels. The WMO said levels of carbon dioxide had risen by 0.53%, and nitrous oxide had risen by 0.2%.

Geir Braathen, a WMO scientist, said, "There is no sign that N2O and CO2 are starting to level off. It looks like it will just continue like this for the foreseeable future. To really make CO2 level off we will need more drastic measures than are in the Kyoto Protocol today. Every human being on this globe should think about how much CO2 he or she emits and try to do something about that."

Of course, one of the biggest impediments to solving the greenhouse gas problem is our own president. Georgie doesn't believe in science, whether it's biology (evolution), physics ("big bang"), or enviornmental science (pollution & greenhouse gases). The United States is one of the world's largest producers of greenhouse gases. Until our country is willing to cooperate with the rest of the world, very little can be done to solve the problem. This is just one more reason why the coming election on November 7th is so important, along with the 2008 presidential election.

The Republicans have shown us that they are unwilling to tackle this problem. They receive far too much money from the polluters and will not force them to significantly reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants.

Since they will not deal with the problem, we must vote them out of office. We must start solving the greenhouse gas problem before it reaches a point of no return. If we don't, we may soon find that we have made our planet uninhabitable.

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