Friday, April 06, 2007

12,000 More Troops To Be Sent To Iraq

It looks like the "troop surge" of over 21,000 new troops sent to Iraq is not working out as Bush told us it would. He had told us that these extra troops would only be needed for a few months, and would allow him to control the violence in and around Baghdad. He was wrong on both counts.

The violence in the sectarian Iraqi civil war is nowhere near being under control, even though Republicans are doing everything they can to create the illusion that it is. Recently John McCain went to Baghdad and did a photo-op in the market area, supposedly to show how safe the area really was.

But they didn't tell us the truth about McCain's photo-op propaganda. The truth is that before McCain went to the market, the area was flooded with American troops. These troops created an artificial "safe zone" for McCain. Merchants in the marketplace said this was nothing like normal conditions in the market. It's sad that McCain, who was once known as a straight-shooter, is now just another Republican liar and Bush apologist.

Things have not gotten better in Iraq. People still die every day, including American troops. Defense Secretary Gates recently warned that putting limits on Bush's war could lead to "ethnic cleansing". Who's he trying to fool? The ethnic cleansing has been going on for quite a while now, and we are powerless to prevent it.

Now, we learn that the temporary troop surge is becoming permanent. NBC News has recently learned that the Bush administration is planning to send another 12,000 National Guard troops to Iraq in 2008, in order to bolster the troop surge that was supposed to end sometime this summer.

Is it any wonder that 70% of the American people now oppose Bush's war? Bush lied to get us into the war, and has continued to lie about it since then. Isn't it time to act in defense of our own soldiers and get them out of the middle of this civil war?

It has long-since become clear that we cannot impose our wishes on Iraq through military power, even if we had the right to do so (which we don't). The Iraqis must find their own solution, and it will probably be bloody - civil wars usually are. But keeping our troops in the line of fire between the opposing factions, can accomplish nothing except to delay the inevitable.

The only sane course of action is to bring our troops home now. Not next year, NOW!

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