Monday, April 02, 2007

Is Iran Daring U.S. To Attack ?

The other night on the Daily Show, John Stewart did a very funny aside to the rulers of Iran. He asked them if they knew what they were doing, and reminded them that while we may not be very good at "nation-building", we are the very best at "nation-destroying".

One of the reasons the piece was so funny is because it contained a lot of truth. Bush has been an abject failure at building a new democracy in Iraq, but we completely destroyed the country in record time. We truly are the world's best at doing that.

It's no secret to anyone that Bush and his White House henchmen would like nothing better than to unleash our destructive capabilities on Iran. He has already sent several carrier groups to that part of the world. He also has Pentagon plans already drawn up for an attack on Iran.

The only thing that has made him pause in his plans for an attack on Iran, is the overwhelming unpopularity of his war in Iraq. That's why I must question just what the leaders in Iran think they are doing. Are they daring the United States and Great Britain to attack?

The taking of British hostages and parading them before the world, even trying to use them for propaganda purposes, seems designed to provoke Great Britain. Are Iran's leaders completely insane or just suicidal? After seeing Iraq totally destroyed, do they still not understand the destructive terror that Bush and Blair could unleash?

It has been hard enough to keep Bush from attacking Iran. Now it may be impossible to stop it. Now Bush can claim he is just defending our "best" ally - Great Britain.

We are closer than ever to a war with Iran. They must release the hostages immediately, or prepare to be bombed back to the stone-age.

It might already be too late.

1 comment:

  1. Are Iran's leaders completely insane or just suicidal?



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