Saturday, May 12, 2007

Iraqi Officials Try To Pressure U.S. Congress

Representatives from the Iraqi government are in Washington right now. They are starting to understand that America's patience is wearing thin on Bush's war. They are trying to put pressure on politicians to continue their support of the war and the Maliki government.

I understand their dilemma. They are little more than a puppet government, installed by the Americans to give the illusion of a freely-elected democratic government. But it is just an illusion, and the Iraqi people know that. Every single candidate on the ballots that elected this government had to be approved by the U.S.

If the candidates on your ballot had to be approved by the invaders who are occupying your country, then you did not have a free election, and you certainly don't have a democracy! The Maliki government understands this, and they know the Iraqi people understand it also.

When American troops leave, this government will fall in a very short time. The Iraqi government officials are telling congressmen that if the American soldiers leave there will be "disastrous consequences". But they are not talking about what would happen to ordinary Iraqis - that situation is about as bad as it can be, and even some White House officials admit privately that little would change with the civil war when our troops leave.

No, the "disastrous consequences" would be the immediate fall of the puppet government Bush has installed in Iraq. They are just lobbying for their own survival, so they can continue to profit from American aid while doing nothing for Iraqi citizens.

It is obvious that this war in Iraq is no longer America against Saddam's supporters. It hasn't been that for a long time. It is now a civil war between Iraqi factions - with our soldiers stuck in the middle and hated by both sides.

The only reasons I can see for our continued participation in this war are Bush's reputation and protection of the Iraqi puppet government. Neither one is worth the life of a single American soldier.

We should immediately withdraw all American troops from Iraq.

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