Wednesday, May 02, 2007

John Edwards Is Right About Iraq Funding Bill

Well, Bush has done it. He has vetoed the bill that would fully fund our troops in Iraq. Now he is trying to blame Democrats for his veto. I hope they don't let him get away with it. They gave him the money he requested. He's the one who vetoed the money appropriated.

He's unhappy that the money comes with strings attached. But that is Congress's responsibility. They are simply carrying out the wishes of a huge majority of the American people, who want to see this war end and American troops return home. On the other hand, Bush wants to continue an unwinnable and open-ended war.

There is talk of a possible compromise like putting benchmarks in instead of timetables. But what happens if the benchmarks are not met (and they won't be)? One Republican talks of putting in timetables which could be over-ruled by Bush. That is totally unacceptable! Timetables do no good if they can simply be ignored.

John Edwards is right on this issue, and because of it he has really risen in my estimation. I am still a Bill Richardson supporter, but Edwards is now running a close second. While others talk of compromise, Edwards says Democrats should send Bush the same bill again and again and again and again, until he either signs it or brings the troops home.

The Democrats have the high ground on this issue - both politically and morally. They should not compromise. They need to hold fast and demand that Bush start bringing our troops home - preferably immediately, but with a timetable if neccessary.

But I expect they'll probably knuckle-under and give Bush what he wants. They've been doing that for over six years now, and old habits are hard to break.

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