Monday, June 04, 2007

Second Democratic Debate Is Better

While not perfect, this was a much better run debate that the MSNBC debacle held earlier. CNN tried to be fairer and get to all the candidates, but they also failed in this task. There was a definite tendency to go toward the "major" candidates.

Some will say that more time should be spent on the candidates that are leading in the polls. I disagree. That might be a valid consideration when we get closer to the primary elections, but we are still at least six months from the first primaries and caucuses.

This early in the race, all candidates should be treated equally. Otherwise, we put ourselves in the position of having the media tell us who our candidates should be, by choosing to only question and cover a few candidates. The candidates should not be chosen by the media, but by the people who vote.

Although CNN did a better job of getting to more candidates, I think that each candidate should have had the opportunity to answer each question. Once again, that did not happen.

As far as the candidates, I thought they all did well when given the chance. No one made any serious gaffes, and I think any of the eight would make a much better president than the current one, or any of the possible Republican candidates.

My own favorite, Bill Richardson, aquitted himself well on most of the issues. But there was one issue on which he, and most of the others, disappointed me. It seems like at least six of the candidates (Gravel did not get to talk on this) want to leave insurance companies in charge of our healthcare system.

Dennis Kucinich was the only candidate who seems to realize that the insurance companies are a big part of what is wrong with the healthcare system. He had the courage to come out in favor of a single-payer system. Hopefully, the other candidates will see the error of their healthcare views, and catch up with Kucinich on this.

Another improvement over the first debate was allowing voters to ask some questions. Frankly, I thought their questions were better than those posed by the media.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you noticed that DK is on with Medicare for All. What he forgot to mention is that he's been pushing for this for over four years, ever since he was last running for President. It's a small point but I think it would have deflated John Edwards' point about being the first with a universal health care plan.


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