Friday, August 17, 2007

Hutchison Tours The Panhandle

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison is currently touring the Texas Panhandle spreading the common Republican lies. She has made stops in Borger, Dumas and Canyon. Of course, fewer areas of Texas are redder than the Panhandle, so she has been drawing some pretty good crowds.

She told the crowds that she still supports Bush on Iraq. She said it would be a mistake to withdraw from Iraq, because it would then become a terrorist-supporting state. She didn't have any facts to back up that assumption, but then Republicans seldom see the need for factual information to back up their propaganda. It's enough for Hutchison that Bush says it is true.

She also said it would be hard to keep taxes and government spending down now that the Democrats control Congress. I guess it just slipped her mind that no Democratic president has spent as much money as Bush, even while Republicans controlled the Congress.

She also spoke out of both sides of her mouth on immigration. She said we needed to find new ways to allow immigrants to enter the country, but quickly dismissed any notion of an amnesty for those already here. I guess the immigrants already here are just a little too brown for Republican tastes.

Amarillo's Channel 7 TV News got to ride on Hutchison's tour bus and interview her. They promptly embarrassed Panhandle residents with the silly questions they asked. The high points of their interview were that Sen. Hutchison doesn't get car sick on her bus, and she's taking her family to see the musical "Texas" at Palo Duro Canyon.

How's that for hard-hitting political reporting?

1 comment:

  1. She and Gov. 39% each give the appearance of auditioning for a vice-presidential slot.


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