Does the federal government not know what it is doing, or are they finally beginning to respond to all the criticism they have been getting from Texans over the proposed border fence?
When the Republicans passed their stupid proposal to build a new fence on America's southern border, we were told that at least 173 miles of the fence would be built in Texas. When the Border Patrol and the Army Corps of Engineers released plans last week, it showed plans for only 70 miles of fence along the Texas/Mexico border.
On Monday, Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff said there may be as little as 50, or even 40 miles of the fence built in Texas. What is going on? Are they responding to the criticism of border residents and landowners and environmentalists? Have they finally come to their senses? Chertoff now says most of the fence will be built in California, Arizona and New Mexico.
Texas is not like the other border states. The other three states share a land border with Mexico. But although Texas has the longest border with Mexico, it is composed of the Rio Grande river. A fence in Texas could cut farmers, ranchers and wildlife off from the needed river water.
The fence could also harm relations with Mexico and hurt Texas economically. The fact is that the fence would do nothing to protect Texas, but could easily harm us. Even 40 miles is too much.
We must keep pressing on this issue until we get the number of miles down to 0. It is the only acceptable number.
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