Sunday, October 07, 2007

Bush Lies About Allowing CIA To Torture Prisoners

Our president is once again lying to the American people. On Friday, Bush told us again the United States "does not torture people". The man must be a pathological liar. Why else would he still be lying when the evidence proving the lie has already been made public?

Does he really think "waterboarding" is not torture? Does he really think striking prisoners on the head is not torture? Does he really think exposing prisoners to extreme temperatures is not torture? I have to assume that he thinks it would be OK for a foreign power to do these things to captive Americans, since it is "not torture".

I think Bush probably knows (and just doesn't care) that the rest of the civilized world considers these things to be torture. He has been lying to them just like he lied to Americans. At the same time in February 2005 that Bush was telling everyone that the U.S. would no longer torture prisoners, he instructed Attorney General Gonzales to write a couple of secret memos to the CIA giving them explicit authority to torture prisoners.

Last week, the New York Times discovered these memos and made them public. To write these memos at the same time he was telling the world just the opposite thing, shows his basic dishonesty. But this shouldn't surprise anyone. He has lied repeatedly -- starting with the reasons for the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

He either thought Americans were too stupid to find out, or he has a "King complex" and thinks he can do whatever the hell he wants to do without consequences. Why haven't Democrats started impeachment proceedings against him (and Cheney)?

Even if the proceedings could not be finished before he left office, it should still be done. It should be done so future president's know they cannot flaunt the Constitution, U.S. laws and international treaties. It should be done so we can start to regain our respect in the eyes of the rest of the world.

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