Monday, October 08, 2007

Bush Opposes Genocide Declaration

We've known for quite a while now that the truth means very little to our inept president. Bush will lie at the drop of a hat, if he thinks it will get him something he wants. Now we learn that he has as little respect for history as he does for truth.

Our House of Representatives is considering taking up a measure that would declare the mass killings of Armenians during the early part of the twentieth century to be organized genocide. The matter goes before the Foreign Relations Committee next Wednesday, and could soon be taken up by the full House.

Most historians agree that this was indeed an organized genocide, and should be represented as such for historical accuracy. But the Bush White House is working to see that the measure doesn't pass. That's because the Turkish government opposes it.

Last year, the French passed a law making it a crime to deny the Armenian genocide. Turkey promptly cut its military ties with France. Turkey has promised that if the measure passes in the U.S., there will be consequences. That's why Bush opposes the measure -- he's running scared of the Turkish government.

Bush is willing to bury historical truth to avoid Turkey becoming angry with us. But the truth is important. The Turks must come to terms with their World War I era behavior, just as the Germans have with their World War II actions. You cannot get past your mistakes until you recognize their existence.

It is silly for Bush to let Turkey write history for us. If the Turks don't want to be our friend, so be it. I think they will probably find that they need us far more than we need them.


  1. See just like the president of Iran, Bush is a denier of Genocide.

  2. This has been a political hot potato for a while. During the 79th legislative session in 2005, the Armenians wanted a similar resolution from the Texas Senate declaring the mass killings a genocide. How this made it as far as my desk (on the totem pole of legislative importance, I'm below ground), but there it was.

    Finally, I thought; I can use my history degree. I even used discretion. I never once mentioned Turkey or Turks or modern-day Turkey. I laid it all at the feet of the Ottoman Empire--again historically accurate. The thing never saw the light of day, not in a Republican-controlled Texas Senate. They did get a resolution, but it was a completely watered-down version.

  3. Fer cryin'out loud, I've lost the ability to write a coherent sentence. How this made it as far as far as my desk (...), I'll never know, but there it was.


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