Tuesday, October 09, 2007

New Car Doesn't Need A Reverse

It looks like the Nissan Corporation has completely re-thought the concept of the modern automobile. They have unveiled their new concept car, the Pivo 2 (pictured above). The car not only looks different, but it has several features that set it apart from any other auto.

The car doesn't even have a reverse gear. That's because the 3-seat cabin can rotate a full 360 degrees. Instead of backing up, you just rotate the cabin 180 degrees and go forward. That makes it the perfect car for those people who have trouble backing up.

But that's not all. The tires can rotate 90 degrees, making parallel-parking a cinch for anyone. Just pull up next to the space, rotate the tires and the cabin 90 degrees, and drive straight in to the parking space. To get out of the space, just rotate the cabin and pull straight out, straighten the tires and cabin, and drive off. Once again, there is no need for reverse.

Add these features to the fact that this is an electric car that runs on battery power, and you have a very unique vehicle. But the new features don't end there. The car has a robotic device that monitors the driver's facial expressions and talks to him. It will calm a driver down that's experiencing road rage, or wake a driver up who's falling asleep.

Kudos to Nissan for thinking outside the box. This is the kind of futuristic thinking that the auto industry needs.

1 comment:

  1. It wouldn't be safe for me to drive that out where I live in the land of if it's different, shoot it.


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