I received the following letter from State Representative and Lt. Colonel Rick Noriega on 10/3/07. I'm sure many of you received one just like it -- especially if you're a contributor to his campaign fund.
But I was impressed with the letter and wanted to print it so those of you who have not yet jumped on board the Noriega Express can see how a candidate with class runs a campaign.
Texas needs Rick Noriega in the U.S. Senate. That fact was driven home in the last few days when Cornyn again voted to deprive young children of healthcare.
Cornyn has consistently voted against the best interests of the people of Texas. The excellent blog Dig Deeper Texas listed many of these votes in an October 3rd post. Check it out -- it's a pretty shocking list of bad votes. We have got to get this fool out of the senate.
If you haven't joined the Noriega campaign yet, I urge you to do so now. Rick needs you, and so does Texas.
Here is Rick's letter:
I'm in Washington, D.C. today, working to gain national support for our campaign to defeat John Cornyn next November.
People are listening.
That's because this week your financial support helped us answer the question everyone had for our campaign: Can we raise enough money to compete against John Cornyn and his powerful special interests money machine?
With over $570,000 raised last quarter from friends like you, we answered with an emphatic "Yes!"
Just online, our campaign raised $158,860 from over 1,100 donations via ActBlue. That made our campaign the most successful non-incumbent Senate candidate on ActBlue during the 3rd quarter. This is an incredible demonstration of our grassroots support that our competitors simply can't match. That doesn't happen without you.
You stepped up when I was away for two weeks of army training to help our campaign continue to raise funds in my absence. You stepped up in these last few weeks by helping us shatter our $25,000 online fundraising goal by over 50%. You stepped up in the face of those critics who told us we couldn't compete with the big-moneyed interests with a campaign built by real Texans.
For all these reasons and so many more, I thank you.
There's no question; your work has projected us to the next level and onto this national stage. Together, we will work to get our state and our nation back on the right track by finding ways to bring people together.
We can't stop now. We have to continue to expand our base of support to defeat John Cornyn next year. So please take a moment, and click here to tell your friends and family to join our campaign.
Finally, hundreds of you are collecting petitions to get us on the ballot. We've set a goal of obtaining 25,000 signatures to get my name on the ballot. This is 5 times the legal requirement of 5,000, but I know we can do it because of our unparalleled grassroots support. If you haven't printed a petition, and want to help, click here.
Thank you again for all you do.
For Texas and For America,
Rick NoriegaDemocrat for U.S. Senate
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