Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pope Puts Religion Over Women's Rights

The Nazi Pope, Benedict XVI, has again shown his disdain for women and their rights. He told a gathering of pharmacists that they should have the right to force their religious views on their customers, especially the female customers.

The Pope said, "Pharmacists must seek to raise people's awareness so that all human beings are protected from conception to natural death, and so that medicines truly play a therapeutic role. We cannot anesthetize consciences as regards, for example, the effect of certain molecules that have the goal of preventing implantation of the embryo or shortening a person's life."

In plain language, pharmacists should have the right to force their own weird religious beliefs on their customers. He thinks if a pharmacist has a "moral" objection to filling a prescription, then they should not have to do it. They should have the right to refuse to follow a doctor's orders or a patient's wishes.

I could not disagree more. I don't care how many years a pharmacist went to school, or how much money they spent doing it. They knew what the job entailed before they entered the profession. If they cannot "ethically" fulfill their duties, then they should find a new profession where their religion would not interfere with their duties.

No profession should have the right to impose their own religious views on those who disagree with them. Would you want a policeman who was morally opposed to hurting a criminal that was trying to kill you? Of course not. That policeman would be asked to find a profession that did not interfere with the rights and safety of the general public.

The same should be true of pharmacists. They are being paid to dispense prescriptions, not force their religious views on those who do not accept those views. If they want to further their religion, they should become a priest or minister. But if they want to be a pharmacist, they should dispense any legal medication they are asked to dispense.

The Pope has the right to any weird religious belief he wants, but he is stepping over the line when he asks others to interfere with the rights and safety of the public by refusing to do their duty.

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