Monday, November 12, 2007

Company Won't Allow Muslims To Pray

There's a religious issue brewing in the Texas Panhandle. At the Swift meat packing plant in Cactus, at least 54 employees walked off the job. The employees are all Muslims of African descent. They are claiming that the company will not allow them to pray.

A good Muslim must pray five times a day. That is a requirement for them, not an option. But those who have walked off the job say the company will not allow them to pray at 4:00pm and again at sunset. These second shift workers consider their religion very important.

I must admit the company's attitude mystifies me. The work is not easy and the company is continually searching for good employees. Why make such a stand against letting these Muslims pray? I have worked with Muslims in the past, and these prayers really don't take that long.

It's not like they are asking to be slackers. They are only asking for a few minutes to pray as their religion requires. The company must allow breaks anyway, so why not allow these Muslims to break at 4:00pm and again at sunset? This would be a good opportunity for the company to build good will and develop loyalty from the employees.

I hope this is just a case of the company misunderstanding the religious devotion required of Muslims, and not a case of religious discrimination. But if a way is not found to work this out, it could easily wind up in a federal court.

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