Monday, November 05, 2007

Why Is El Paso Electric Outsourcing Jobs ?

A few weeks ago, El Paso Electric outsourced about 50 jobs in its Information Technology Department. These were good well-paying jobs held by people who had been with the company for years.

At the time it happened, I wondered why the company was doing it. It not only showed a disrespect for some longstanding and loyal employees, but showed the company had little regard for the community that buys the product they provide.

Since then, I've heard from a friend in El Paso and it's now starting to make sense. He tells us that the outsourcing is not over, and the company plans to outsource another 250 jobs. This would make the company very attractive for a buyout from one of the larger conglomerates.

This would not only be very profitable for company executives and owners, but could well accomplish another goal -- deregulation. The company was not included when many other Texas electric companies were deregulated, but a buyout by a larger conglomerate could well accomplish that.

And don't let the company try and tell you that would be good for the consumers. They tried that argument in other places, but all it produced was much higher prices for the consumers. Just ask the folks in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

It looks like you people in El Paso had better grab your wallets and hang on tight, because the future is not looking too bright.

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