Friday, December 07, 2007

Craddick Actually Does Something Right !

I have never been a supporter of Speaker Craddick. In fact, I've often called for his removal from his position as Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, and I still think that would be best for the citizens of Texas. But I'll have to give the devil his due.

I definitely approve of Craddick's latest move. Last week, Craddick told the House Committee on Land and Resource Management that it needs to "examine the authority of the General Land Office, the School Land Board, and similar state agencies to engage in various types of real estate transactions, and determine the appropriateness of this authority."

This examination is badly needed. The current Land Commissioner, Jerry Patterson, seems determined to sell off land owned by the state to private interests -- even when the sale is not in the best interests of the citizens of Texas.

Last year, he tried to sell land at Eagle Mountain Lake in Tarrant County to developers. The land had been designated for a public park, and only a public outcry from the people of Texas kept the sale from going through.

This year he is trying to sell land in the Christmas Mountains near Big Bend National Park, even though the land had been donated with the stipulation that it not be sold to private interests. The land was a gift to the people of Texas and was donated for public use -- not sale to a private buyer.

Patterson is not interested in keeping promises made by the state, or in being a good steward over lands owned by the state. He seems to only be interested in making real estate deals and selling off state land. Someone needs to rein him in.

That's why I applaud this move by Craddick. Hopefully, the House Committee will curb Patterson's ability to sell off state land, at least without the approval of the legislature. But there's no guarantee the legislature will do this. Speaker Craddick has surprisingly taken the first step. Now the legislature must follow through.

This is another reason why the 2008 elections are important. We must elect some representatives that will protect Texas' land and environment. The easiest way to do that is to vote Democratic.

1 comment:

  1. Who is responsible for The moron Jerry Patterson being and or remaining in office?


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