Thursday, February 07, 2008

Chicken Little Was Right !

The "experts" are finally beginning to admit that we're in a lot more trouble than the Bush administration wants to admit. According to Bush, the economy is basically good -- it just needs a little stimulus to get it going again. It looks like he's just hiding his head in the sand again. Bush seems to think if he doesn't admit it, it won't happen.

The last two recessions we had lasted about 8 months each. But economic experts say that the huge federal deficit, heavy consumer debt and rising inflation will make this recession worse and longer-lasting than any recession in over 20 years -- maybe the worst since the Great Depression.

They are right, but if we don't get the corporate-loving Republicans out-of-office and change the economic direction of this country, we could be looking at something even worse than a recession.

The last time there was such a huge gap between the rich and the rest of America was the "roaring twenties". Then, as now, we had a Republican administration that believed as long as the corporations were doing good, then everyone would do good. It was not true then and it's not true now.

At that time, we had many who were driven off their small farms. Today, we have millions who are being driven from their homes. At that time, jobs began to disappear and millions were out of work. Today, we have corporations that are shipping many of our highest-paying industrial jobs overseas, and they are being replaced with low-paying service sector jobs -- jobs that will not support a family.

There are those who say we have safety nets that would prevent another depression. I think they are wrong. The few safety nets we had, have been defunded and cut by the same Republicans who give huge tax cuts to the rich.

We are currently sitting on the edge of disaster in this country. The absolute worst thing we could do is return the Republicans to power in November. Another few years of the current economic policies and we'll be staring another Great Depression in the face.

We must not only put a Democrat in the White House, but we must also give that Democrat large Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress -- large enough majorities so real change can take place.

I hate to sound like Chicken Little, but the cracks are starting and the sky may be falling soon.

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