Friday, February 15, 2008

Free Speech Or Incitement ?

A couple of years ago, a Danish newspaper printed a series of 12 cartoons featuring the Islamic prophet Mohammed. The cartoons sparked demonstrations and riots by Muslims around the world. They said the cartoons were disrespectful to their religion.

Until last Tuesday, it was generally thought the matter was over. But on that day, Danish police arrested three Muslims who were plotting to murder the cartoonist who had drawn the "offensive" cartoons. Even though the event was two years in the past, these criminals were plotting to kill a human being in the name of their religion.

In response to this, 12 Danish newspapers banded together and reprinted one of the cartoons -- it showed Mohammed with a turban in the shape of a bomb with a lit fuse. The papers said they reprinted the cartoon to show their commitment to free speech.

Not surprisingly, some Muslim groups are saying the papers are just trying to cause trouble by rekindling the dispute.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree with the newspapers on this matter. You simply cannot give in to threats from any group -- not even religious groups. Once a newspaper refuses to print something because of threats, it opens itself up to threats from all kinds of people. Then free speech is dead.

These newspapers did the right thing. This wasn't just aimed at Muslims, but anyone who would try to stop free speech with threats and violence.

It has been said that if you've never been offended, then you don't live in a free country. Freedom requires free speech, and sometimes that speech will be offensive. It's just part of the price of freedom.

1 comment:

  1. Free speech and indeed abstract thought is what it is about. And this illustrates the differences between a free thinking society and those who worry that the sky farie is going to smite the wicked.

    If there is an Allah, won't he get the wicked cartoonists anyway?

    Go free speech. Smash ignorance.


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